Karan Johar turned 50 recently and his birthday bash was a star-studded affair. From Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan to Hrithik Roshan and Saba, Bollywood stars made the night worth remembering. Ananya Panday opted for a super glamorous dress for the birthday bash and posed for the paps before entering the party. She was snapped along with Navya Naveli Nanda, who stunned in a white, classy ensemble.?
While some fans loved Ananya's glamorous ensemble, others felt it was a bit much for a birthday party. Netizens also pointed out that the dress was similar to Kendall Jenner's Met Gala 2021 outfit and began trolling Ananya for the same.?
"Sasti Copy of Kendall Jenner," wrote an Instagram user while another one, defending Ananya, wrote, "I think she is looking pretty.... Just becausekendal wore this kind of similar dress on met gala thatdoesn't mean she copied her complete look... We can sayshe is inspired... Just like hina khan wore a beautiful dress atcannes similar to priyanka chopra.. So we should stop beingso judgemental."
In a recent interview, Ananya was asked about her friends, Suhana and Shanaya's Bollywood debut and if she gave them any acting tips. To this, she responded, "I am really no one to give them tips because I have just started out myself. But, we have always dreamt of becoming actresses since we were really young. So, we are constantly talking about it, discussing with each other. We all take tips from one another."
?She also spoke about how she 'steals clothes' from her friends' wardrobes and said,?"More than conversations, I am stealing both of their clothes half of the time. It¡¯s really funny because Shanaya is like ¡®I haven¡¯t even worn this yet¡¯. But, I just quietly go into her closet and steal it. But that¡¯s the bonus of being the same jeans size and T-shirt size. So yeah, I am constantly stealing both of their clothes. But before we go out, we are always like ¡®I am wearing this and I am wearing that¡¯. I am always the one who is the most underdressed."
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