Actor Anupam Kher took a holy dip in the Triveni Sangam at the ongoing Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj on Wednesday. Anupam took to Instagram to share a photo of his holy bath, in which he chanted mantras and prayed to God during this spiritual moment.The Emergency actor described it as a 'emotional' event in his life, adding that his life has now become "successful".? ? ?
?While sharing the video, he wrote, ¡°Life became successful by taking a dip at Ganga in Mahakumbh !! For the first time, chanted mantras by reaching the place where Maa Ganga, Jamuna ji and Saraswati ji meet! While praying, tears came out of my eyes. Look at the coincidence! The same happened one year ago today on the day of Pran Pratishtha in Ayodhya! Hail Sanatan Dharma.¡±
Anupam travelled to Prayagraj on Tuesday to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela. After leaving the airport, Kher spoke briefly with ANI, expressing his delight about attending a spiritual meeting.
He said, "I am here to participate in this spiritual gathering. It feels so good to see people from all walks of life here. I also applaud the Uttar Pradesh government and CM Yogi Adityanath for organising this historic festival in a responsible and safe manner,"?
Today, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took the sacred dip in Triveni Sangam as part of the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj. The chief minister was accompanied by deputy chief ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, as well as other cabinet ministers.?
The UP Chief Minister was seen thanking God as he and his ministers participated in this spiritual occasion.?
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