Anurag Kashyap's daughter and content creator Aaliyah Kashyap recently tied the knot with Shane Gregoire in a fairytale wedding in Mumbai. From Aaliyah's stunning blush pink lehenga to the couple's sheer joy, the ceremony was a picture of romance¡ªespecially when Shane was seen tearing up as Aaliyah walked down the aisle towards him. However, as expected, trolls have made their presence known, accusing Shane of faking his emotional moment to go viral and now, Anurag Kashyap himself has responded.
Those who've watched the video can see that Shane's tears appear to be genuine, reflecting his true happiness.?
However, there were several critical comments on the video of Shane crying as Aaliyah walked down the aisle, with some suggesting he was faking his emotions for attention or to go viral.?
Anurag Kashyap, clearly offended by the remarks, stepped in to defend Shane with a heartfelt response in the comments.
Kashyap wrote, "My son in law is just the most sensitive human being and the way he loves my daughter is so special. So everyone who thinks its a trend or he is doing it to go viral, can take a hike."
Anurag Kashyap Defend Shane (his son in law)
byu/MumbaiArcher inInstaCelebsGossip
He further added, "I could not have wished for a better son-in-law. I am not half as good as a father the way shane is to Aaliyah."
We love to see such strong support from a father-in-law!
Aaliyah Kashyap is a YouTuber and social media influencer, known for her lifestyle vlogs and fashion tips.?
She has built a loyal following thanks to her down-to-earth and relatable style.
Aaliyah and Shane's love story began like a modern fairy tale on a dating app.?
Sparks flew, and soon they were officially together.?
Shane, an entrepreneur and founder of Rocket Powered Sound, proposed to Aaliyah in May 2023.
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