Actress Anusha Dandekar recently encountered Amitabh Bachchan, which made her quite nostalgic because it reminded her of her time with the megastar on the sets of the film Virrudh... Family Comes First. Anusha took to Instagram and shared a picture with Big B with the caption,?"My First Father In Law ever ... lucky me #viruddh reunion."
Fans became sentimental and recalled their flick Virrudh. "A fine and very moving film. Both you and the Big B performed admirably. Unfortunately, the film was swept away during the July 26th storms," a social media user said. "This movie was ahead of its time. "Abhi release hue hoti, you could have won Filmfare," another netizen added.
July of last year marked the film's 19th anniversary. Anusha wrote a statement of thanks to the Virrudh team, recalling her time working on the film.??
"My first wedding, what a turn out! 19 years of Virrudh... what a beautiful film this was for so many, especially me. Have you watched it? Thank you @maheshmanjrekar I have such special films because of you.I also get to say I worked with the greatest," she had posted.
Mahesh Manjrekar directed Virrudh in 2005. The film also stars Sharmila Tagore, John Abraham, and Sanjay Dutt.
Viruddh: Family Comes First (2005) is a family drama about Vidyadhar (Amitabh Bachchan) and Sumitra (Sharmila Tagore), a middle-class couple whose son Amar (John Abraham) is tragically killed after returning home from London with his fianc¨¦e, Jenny (Anusha Dandekar).?
While seeking justice, the couple faces allegations that Amar was involved in drug smuggling, a claim they refuse to believe. The trial ends with the acquittal of the accused, leaving Vidyadhar and Sumitra questioning whether their son was wrongfully implicated or if there was more to the story. The film delves into grief, family bonds, and the fight against a corrupt system.
Also read:?When Amitabh Bachchan's lookalike left everyone stunned: KBC contestant shares a hilarious story
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