On May 31, the government of India proposed a new education policy that suggested to make Hindi a mandatory third language to be taught in schools across the country. And with that, the debate on social media platforms began with #HindiIsNotTheNationalLanguage trending on Twitter.
This caused a lot of tensions in Tamil Nadu. It was seen as a move to impose Hindi on non-Hindi speaking states. Soon, the paragraph that caused uproar was revised to offer flexibility over the choice of languages in school, but the debate around it hasn¡¯t really ended. The North-South regional divide is quite evident on social media platforms!
The Oscar-winning composer tweeted a word ¡°autonomous¡± along with its meaning from Cambridge dictionary website. Many people think that he is clearly taking a dig at the Central Government. Clarifying his stance, here's what AR Rahman told Deccan Chronicle.
"Tamil children should have the choice to respect their mother tongue first and then the freedom to choose to learn Hindi or not. This is what I meant by autonomy.?I respect all languages and love singing in Hindi, Urdu, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam Bengali, Punjabi, Arabic, Farsi and English. Nobody forces me. And now that everything has ended peacefully, case closed."