In a heartwarming promo for Bigg Boss 18, contestants will meet Omung Kumar Bhandula, a film director and production designer. The director arrives with surprise gifts and takes each player to their favourite area in the house to give them letters from loved ones. Eisha Singh and Karan Veer Mehra are moved to tears after receiving letters from their mothers.
A Karan Veer Mehra's fan was waiting to see the actor 'emotional for so long'. She shared a snipped from the promo and wrote, "He said he hate to cry# he never cried but I was waiting to see this emotional side of him for sooo long#????"
In the previous episode, the house came under heavy examination during a news conference with the media. Contestants faced difficult questions regarding their conduct and relationships.?
Vivian Dsena was questioned about his comments regarding Karan Veer Mehra, in which he referred to him as a womaniser and implied that he did not belong in the A-list actor category.?
Vivian stressed that his words were about the current roster of A-list performers on television, and he emphasised his respect for Karan as his elder in the industry.
Vivian was also asked why he opted to unite with Avinash Mishra and Eisha Singh despite Nouran's cautions. He added that he has always had a close bond with Avinash and Eisha, similar to his connection with Shilpa.?
Vivian confessed that he lacked clarity from Shilpa, influencing his pick of Avinash and Eisha. Avinash was questioned about whispering behind Vivian's back and commenting on his connections in the house. Avinash admitted that he had raised similar concerns with Vivian and expressed his dissatisfaction with their interaction.
As Bigg Boss 18 approaches its conclusion, these emotional encounters and confrontations continue to attract viewers, emphasising the profound ties and rivalries developed within the house.
Also read:?Bigg Boss 18 finalists: Educational qualifications of Vivian Dsena, Rajat Dalal & others
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