The Indian Telugu-language movie 35¡ªChinna Katha Kaadu, which means 35¡ªnot a short story, was released earlier this month only and is all set to make its OTT debut via Aha soon. According to media reports, the family drama film by Nanda Kishore Emani Nivetha Thomas can be released online on September 27. Though there is no official date announced for the release, there is buzz around the September 27 date soon after Aha acquired the film's digital rights for a whopping amount. Here is the trailer and other details on the film's plot, cast, and crew:
35¡ªChinna Katha Kaadu is all about how a mother makes her son learn mathematics as a subject and make him pass. Actor Nivetha Thomas will be seen playing the Brahmin housewife and the main character of the mother in the story. In the film, it is shown that the mother is a tenth fail and how she gets forced to teach her son to pass his exams.
Performances by actors like Nivetha Thomas and Vishwadev Rachakondaa in the film were appreciated by theatre audiences and critics. Now the family drama is expected to be out on OTT within a month of its theatrical release. Let's see if the film will be able to impress the online viewers just the way it did at the theatres or not.?
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Nivetha Thomas in the main lead role is said to have delivered a great performance in the upcoming Aha release. The movie is the directorial review of Nanda Kishore Emani. The film, other than Nivetha Thomas and Vishwadev Rachakonda, features actors like Priyadarshi, Gautami, Bhagyaraj, and Arundev Pothula, among others.
35¡ªChinna Katha Kaadu has been presented by Rana Daggubati. The duo including Srujan Yarabolu and Siddharth Rallapalli has produced the drama. The music in the film has been composed by Vivek Sagar.?
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