Recently released Tamil film Bloody Beggar is gearing up for its OTT release after being successful at the theaters. The Tamil dark comedy stars Kavin in one of the lead roles. The film, after being released around Diwali in cinemas near you, is now all set to reach international audiences too. Here is all about Bloody Beggar you need to know:
Bloody Beggar is all about a lazy beggar and a boy who sell books. The story of the film progresses when the beggar gets into a palace during a philanthropic feast and finds himself locked inside. The film further revolves around the chaotic mess around the beggar's life.
The film has been directed by debutant Sivabalan. It is produced by Nelson Dilipkumar and has been made under the banner Filament Pictures. Since the film was released at the time of Diwali, it was overshadowed by the blockbuster Amaran but received a mix of reactions.?
Other than Kavin in the lead role, the film has Redin Kingsley, Radha Ravi, Maruthi Prakashraj, Sunil Sukhada, T.M. Karthik, Padam Venu Kumar, Priyadarshini Rajkumar, and Anarkali Nazar.
The technical crew behind the film includes?Sujith Sarang, Jen Martin, R. Nirmal, Manimozhian Ramadurai, Santhosh, and Metro Mahesh, among others.
The Tamil film Bloody Beggar will be available globally on SunNXT starting November 29. There are also media reports that suggest the film may also release on the OTT platform Prime Video.?
Stay tuned for more updates.?
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