After being delayed multiple times because of censor board issues, Kangana Ranaut¡¯s Emergency release date and trailer have finally been revealed. The trailer was shared by the makers recently and it got a lot of attention. The movie has Kangana as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi along with Anupam Kher and other actors.? Even before its theatrical run, a leading OTT platform has bagged the film¡¯s streaming rights. Scroll down to know more!
As seen on the credit screen of the trailer, Emergency will be released on Netflix after its theatrical run. The release date has not been announced yet.?
The trailer was shared with the caption, ¡°Indira: India¡¯s most powerful woman. Her ambition transformed the nation, but her #EMERGENCY changed its history, forever!¡±
?Some were ecstatic, while others referred to it as "another flop." Many were intrigued by the subject, but many were concerned about Kangana and her team's ability to handle the film correctly because it dealt with a complex and major issue that had a significant impact on Indians.?
Kangana Ranaut¡¯s Emergency will be released in theaters on 17th January 2025.?
Apart from acting, Kangana also serves as director and producer on the film. The movie also stars Anupam Kher ,Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Choudhry, Vishak Nair and others. The screenplay and dialogues have been written by Ritesh Shah. It has been produced by Kangana Ranaut, Renu Pitti, Umesh Kr Bansal under the banner of Manikarnika Films.?
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