India¡¯s Got Latent, which is Samay Raina¡¯s show, manages to grab a lot of attention every now and then. This time, a contestant named Priyanka is getting brutally trolled for her ¡®daring¡¯ act on stage. The woman, who introduced herself as an actor, arrived with a designer buddy who creatively rips clothing to give them a fresh appearance. Everyone applauded the woman's courage when the two performed on stage, but a few minutes later, things took a different turn. Following the performance, Priyanka revealed to the audience that she is married and has a 15-year-old son. Everyone was taken aback by this, and panelists began to inquire about her family and whether her spouse supported her to do this. The episode went viral and Priyanka and her friend¡¯s clip from the show went viral with people finding it odd.
The clip has been shared all over X and people are wondering if the said actress is cheating on her husband.?
One wrote, ¡°Her husband does not even know what she is doing.¡±
Another added, ¡°Money matters bro.¡±
?A third went on to add, ¡°Bhai iska 15 saal ka bacha hai....uska socho.¡±
?For the unversed, this act was a part of Episode 11 of India¡¯s Got Latent. The show¡¯s panelists for the day were Bharti Singh, Haarsh Limbachiyaa and Tony Kakkar. Samay has had guests like Raftaar, Badshah, Uorfi Javed, Poonam Panday, Tanmay Bhatt and others.
You can watch Samay Raina¡¯s show India¡¯s Got Latent on YouTube.?
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