Meiyazhagan OTT release date has been fixed. The movie, which is a Tamil language slice-of-life drama, had its theatrical release in September 2024. The movie stars Karthi and Arvind Swamy in lead roles alongside the supporting cast. Netflix purchased Meiyazhagan's streaming rights even before the film opened in theaters. This movie is rumored to have a four-week OTT window, similar to other South releases, which implies that it will be available for streaming on OTT following its four weeks in theaters. As per reports, Meiyazhagan will be released on Netflix on 25th October 2024.
After being practically abandoned from his hometown for 22 years, 40-year-old Arumozhi Varman must return for inescapable reasons. The end of his voyage marks the beginning of his life.
Karthi, Rajkumar, Raichal Rabeccas, Jayaparakash, Rajkiran, Swathi Konde, Devadarshini, Ilavarasu, Karunakaran, Raichal Rabeccas, Merku Thodarchi, and Rajkumar are among the prominent actors in this slice-of-life film. Sathyam Sundaram, which C. Prem Kumar wrote and directed, was made on a Rs 35 crore budget by Suriya and Jyothika under the 2D Entertainment banner. The complete background score and music for the movie was written by Govind Vasantha. The film's editor was R. Govindraj, while its cinematographer was Mahendiran Jayaraju.
According to Koimoi, Meiyazhagan hasn't made a lot of money, even with favorable reviews and word-of-mouth. It has only made 33.72 crores net at the Indian box office after 23 days in theaters. The performance has also been below average abroad, with just 12.30 crores of revenue made thus far.
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