After winning the Silver Lotus Award for Best Child Actor in 2017, Railway Children is all set to be released online. The film by Kannada filmmaker Prithvi Konanur had experienced a successful festival run but had never been out in public. After failing to get space on any mainstream OTT platform, Railway Children will be available on YouTube starting August 15.
Filmmaker Prithvi Konanur will release his film on August 15 on his YouTube channel only. Wondering what the storyline of Railway Children is? The film is about two boys who work for a gang living near a railway station and tracks.
The boys who collect discarded water bottles for the gang one day find out that they are not paid enough for the bottles they give to the gang. The story of the film further revolves around the homeless boys' struggle to earn money and how they deal with evil people in life.?
Cast and crew
The cast of Railway Children includes: Mahonara, Yash Shetty, Syed Pervez, Karthik, Srikanth, Vj Shetty, Hanumant Raju, Divya M. R., Satish Acharya, Naresh, Manjunath, Akash, Basavaraju, Ramachandra Hosur, and many more.
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Interestingly, the film Railway Children was produced through crowdfunding done by film production company Tindrum Beats.
Who won the Best Child Actor award for the film?
Manohara, who played Jollu, won the National Award for Best Child Actor for his acting in the film.
Is the Railway Children film inspired by real life?
Yes, Railway Children (2016) is inspired by real-life events that were documented by an NGO and a research book.
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