In a heartwarming surprise for fans, Deepika Padukone was seen out with her newborn daughter, Dua Padukone Singh, for the first time at Mumbai¡¯s Kalina airport. Fans and paparazzi captured the sweet mother-daughter duo along with Ranveer Singh, who seemed every bit the doting dad and husband. While the family was seen making their way into the airport, Deepika cradled Dua protectively, her casual, understated look letting her maternal glow take centre stage. Ranveer, rocking a pink jacket and a stylish bun, joined them, completing the perfect family picture.
The short video of their airport moment, shared by a paparazzo, quickly went viral. Fans poured out love and admiration for Deepika¡¯s sweet bonding moment with Dua, with comments like, ¡°Omg the way she¡¯s holding Dua!¡± and ¡°So beautiful.¡± Another fan lovingly added, ¡°Our Baby Girl Dua Padukone Singh.¡± Though Deepika held Dua close enough that her face remained hidden, it was clear fans couldn¡¯t get enough of this rare glimpse into the actress¡¯s personal life.
Just a few days ago, Deepika and Ranveer also revealed their daughter¡¯s name in a heartfelt Instagram post that quickly took over social media. The couple captioned a tender photo of Dua¡¯s tiny feet peeking out of a traditional lehenga, explaining, ¡°Dua Padukone Singh¡ªmeaning a Prayer. Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude.¡± Fans loved the name¡¯s meaningful simplicity, praising the couple¡¯s choice and the sweet tribute to Deepika¡¯s family, as her mother¡¯s name is Ujjala Padukone and her sister¡¯s is Anisha Padukone.
The adorable new addition to the Padukone-Singh family has left fans feeling nostalgic about Deepika and Ranveer¡¯s own love story. The two starred together in iconic films like Goliyon Ki Rasleela šC Ram-Leela and Bajirao Mastani, sparking dating rumours in 2012.
After years of speculation, they finally tied the knot in October 2018 in Italy, blending Konkani Hindu and Sikh Anand Karaj ceremonies. They revealed they were expecting their first child earlier this year.
It¡¯s safe to say Deepika, Ranveer, and baby Dua are setting new family goals, blending stardom with authentic family love. Fans can¡¯t wait for more glimpses of this adorable trio!