The last couple of days have been rife with the news of a certain Pahlaj Nihalani wreaking havoc on the upcoming film?Udta Punjab. After poring over articles on him, and watching him in action (yawn) on TV, it's safe to say he reminds me of that one friend everyone has. You know, the one whose sanity, intellect, common sense you're always worried about? Nihalani is that guy - just older, more illogical and tragically in a position of some power.
Honestly, someone's got to tell the guy how dangerous his level of stupidity is. But like that's going to happen.
So this is me, trying to get to the bottom of what goes on in this man's head.
Because, reality.?I swear this is what he said when asked about what a good film was:
Fair enough. But what the hell is this then?
It was ¡°too scary¡±
He even chose to beep ¡®Din mein sister raat mein bistar¡¯ and ¡®Saali¡¯ from Tamasha, and ¡®boobs¡¯ from Katti Batti
Because, Dildo.?BUT, BUT, BUT...
AND, when asked why he shot vulgar songs, he said
Also Read:?Film Directors Blast Censor Board's Cuts On Udta Punjab & Pahlaj Nihalani. Here's What Went Down