When it comes to making love stories, Bollywood surely has its game on point. Be it the black and white era or the current phase, where a filmmaker like Imtiaz Ali is betting his money as a producer on his version of Laila Majnu, Indian filmmakers have never stopped experimenting.?
Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta and Manisha Koirala's Dil Se, was all about 'dil' and that was the best part of the film.?
It's been twenty years of the film's release but the magic of Dil se still lingers. There are several reasons but one main reason is the music of the film.
1. Every encounter between Meghna and Amar was pure gold, majorly because of the words exchanged between them. Dil Se is one simple story that worked majorly because of the simplicity.?
2.?Simple yet intriguing- Amar and Meghna's love story wasn't the usual kind. It was all about having conversations and falling in love with every meeting.
3. For every Shah Rukh Khan fan, Amar remains one of their favorite characters because of his mad love for Meghna. The love that is pure and innocent with nothing pretentious about it at all.?