Support has been pouring over for Actor Suriya over the Jai Bhim row. For the uninitiated, the Vanniyar Sangam on Monday sent a legal notice to actor Surya-starrer 'Jai Bhim' movie.
Removal of references to Vanniyar community's revered symbol of raging fire pot, an apology for 'damning, tarnishing and damaging the community's reputation, desisting from similar 'malicious' moves.?
Suriya fans and celebrities have united in extending support to him and the entire team of Jai Bhim.?
¡°No one can be made to feel lesser for doing the right thing#Jaibheem. Suriya is one star who is redefining stardom,¡± tweeted director Vetrimaaran, who has always received love and appreciation for his movies on social injustice and the caste system.
¡°The commitment of director TJ Gnanavel to make this film to let the world know the plight of the victims and Suriya¡¯s constant efforts towards social injustice on and offscreen is truly inspiring. #JaiBheem. It¡¯s only natural these films cause angst among those who don¡¯t want the status quo to change. #WeStandWithSuriya. Films that questions the inequalities and injustices of a society too are weapons towards social justice. We stand by the whole team of #Jaibheem (sic)."
Apart from a massive surge in support pouring for Suriya, the #WeStandWithSuriya hashtag has been one of the top Twitter trends as Kollywood celebrities and fans stood up to express solidarity with Suriya.?
In case of non-compliance, the Jai Bhim team, including the producers, director and actor Suriya, who performed the lead role, would be liable for proceedings under both the civil and criminal laws for causing loss of reputation and bringing mental agony, the notice, which was also sent to the OTT platform Amazon (Prime Video) that released the flick, said.
¡°No one from the film had any intention to insult any caste or community as you had mentioned in your letter. I think you will remember that we have rectified even the small flaw pointed out by a few people. I agree with your statement in your letter that no one has the right to hurt any community in the name of freedom of expression. In the same manner, I believe you will agree that freedom of expression must always be protected from attacks."