Me too accused Sajid Khan is among the contestants who have entered Salman Khan's Bigg Boss house for the show's 16th season on Saturday.?
Makers have once again proved that Bigg Boss is one of the most controversial Indian reality TV shows as it welcomes #metoo accused Sajid Khan to join the other contestants like rapper MC Stan, Femina Miss India Manipur 2018 fame Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia, 'Uttaran' fame Tina Datta, Udaariyan's Fateh aka Ankit Gupta, Tajik singer Abdu Rozik, among others.?
Sajid Khan had a conversation with Bigg Boss 16 host Salman Khan on Saturday. He discussed how "success" and his "arrogance" contributed to his downfall in the Bollywood industry.?
The filmmaker?also revealed that despite putting in his effort in his then project 'Housefull 4,' he was ousted from it overnight and his credit was taken away from the film.
Sajid said that he has worked with all the biggest actors of the Hindi film industry. Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Mithun Chakraborty, John Abraham,? Ritesh Deshmukh and Said Ali Khan among others.?
As the filmmaker entered the house of Bigg Boss 16, he also went on to explain why he wanted to be a part of the show. "I sat at home for four years. I have not been getting much work. When the channel approached me for Bigg Boss, I felt I should do the show. I want to learn and understand about myself and do some household chores like cleaning, sweeping, mopping the floor. When we are at home, we ask our staff to do all this for us and if I am able to do all this here, I think I¡¯ll become a more humbler and a nicer person," Sajid was quoted as saying by ETimes.?
Sajid also expressed that he has seen a lot of ups and downs in his life. But, one which has been the biggest is his connection with the audience on television which he lost in the last four years.?
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