Ever since actress Ankita Lokhande appeared on Bigg Boss 17 along with her husband Vicky Jain, the relationship between the couple has grabbed headlines at many occasions. The actress' husband has often been called toxic for his behaviour towards her in the house. Not just that, her mother-in-law was also at fans' target after she blamed her for not taking enough care of her son and telling Vicky, "Tumne isko chhoot de di."
Now, another video from the show has gone viral on social media in which Vicky Jain is seen raising his hand apparently to slap his wife Ankita Lokhande in front of co-contestants Abhishek Kumar and Arun Mashetty. The video has once again angered the actress' fans who are calling Vicky a "red flag" all over again.?
"What was this behaviour of Vicky Jain how dare him to try to threaten to slap your wife a women on national television, when she was just talking and fighting for you," an X user wrote.
"Vicky Jain aggressively tried to get out of the blanket and looked like he was trying to hit his wife Ankita Lokhande on national television," read a comment.
Another fan tweeted, "Seen many couples in the bb house, but #Ankitalokhande and #Vickyjain are the worst toxic couple to have ever came on the show. They are so toxic that they use divorce in every small arguments. Both the personality are rotten to the core,and now slapping."
An X user said, "This is how u want to see something on big picture!I see an angry guy just trying to walk off from that place so woh convo #AnkitaLokhande pr shift na ho! So #VickyJain just agressively grabbed blanket and the atmosphere created by AK made it wrong!"
"Pointing out #VickyJain only... Why...? Both are toxic... Ankita ko koi kuj nhi bolega .....maybe reverse gender hai ...isliye," wrote a user.?
This happened when Vicky was joking about the sufferings of married men. He said, "I can never really say how I feel. This is what married people, especially men, go through. They can¡¯t really tell what they really go through and how they suffer." Reacting to this, Ankita replied, ¡°If you suffer so much, then why are you with me? Let¡¯s take a divorce; I don¡¯t want to go back home with you."
Do you think Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain share a toxic relationship? What's your opinion on the slap incident? Let us know in the comments section below.
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