Bollywood actor Bipasha Basu was finally spotted in Mumbai enjoying a romantic night out with her husband and actor Karan Singh Grover. The two looked stylish for an evening with friends, laughter and good times.?
Bipasha looked swell in a fittest black outfit. Wearing a blazer with gold buttons, she teamed it up with tiny black shorts making it look formal yet a pretty party wear. She wore black pumps to complete the look. Her blow dried tresses stole the show.??
It is after a while we saw Bipasha Basu stepping out for a party and she sure looked rocking. Wearing smokey eyes and nude lips, Bipasha sure seemed like a party starter. On the other hand, Karan Singh Grover chose a relaxed fit attire. He wore a light grey suit with a black round neck t-short and white sneakers, an ideal combination for a mid week party.?
Ever since they two have got married, they have been giving couple goals. And today was no different. This Bollywood couple always managed to delight their fans. In a sweet gesture, Karan showed his chivalry and opened the car door for wifey Bipasha when she was getting out. People called them couple goals. Bipasha too agreed with the title.?
She posted the viral video and wrote, Lucky boy and lucky girl. Bipasha was seen celebrating costume designer Mamta Anand's birthday. Her husband and Fighter director Siddharth Anand hosted a birthday bash for his wife which saw a lot of attendees from Bollywood. Internet could not get enough of Karan Singh Grover's jawlines and smart casual outfit.?
Bipasha and Karan welcomed their first child Devi in 2022 and are usually seen travelling with her. This is a first where the two are all by themselves for an intimate gathering. Well, looking at their?undeniable chemistry, itĄ¯s clear that Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover truly consider themselves lucky to have found each other.
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