Bigg Boss OTT winner Divya Agarwal took to Instagram on Wednesday to share a video in which she requested filmmaker Anurag Kashyap to give her work.?
The reality show star, who recently got engaged to fiance Apurva Padgaonkar after splitting from Varun Sood said that she had several offers in hand, but despite that she wants to work with Anurag.?
In her open letter to Anurag, Divya also mentioned that she has been in the industry for 15 years and have done a lot of work.?
"Hi Anurag sir, this is an open letter to you.I am getting a lot of work.?I am getting work options like jumping off a building, fighting in a scene, doing more reality shows, working in serials, and so on. No offence but I have done a lot of such things enough sir because I really want to do something that my heart approves of. I had seen you at a workshop at Prithvi theatre, and since then I just want to work with you," the actress wrote on her Instagram handle.?
"With the help of my social media, I would like to give an open letter to you. I am not saying give me a web show just like that or you know a movie. Nothing as such just tell me how to go with the audition because I don¡¯t know even though I have been working since 15 years, still the correct people haven¡¯t reached out to me for work. Therefore I am clueless, so just give me auditions in a day and give me 10, 20, 50 I don¡¯t care, I am getting a lot of work but I don¡¯t want it, I want this kind of work, the work that you do," Divya addressed to Anurag in the video that has now gone viral on the internet.? ??
She further said that this is an open letter and requested all her followers to help her letter reach out to Anurag Kashyap.?
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