After Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn, the latest actor to get massively trolled for promoting the Pan Masala brand is Hrithik Roshan. The?Fighter star featured in cardamom launched by a pan masala brand Siggnature, and people are saying "Shame on you".?
In the video, Hrithik Roshan is channeling his inner Tom Cruise driving a car with his ladylove by his side. While he is seeing her off, the lady is on a mission to steal his silver-coated cardamom. While the visuals of the advertisement are impressive, fans are disappointed with Hrithik for promoting a pan masala brand.?
One of the fans pointed out that these actors are paid in crores for these advertisements. "Anyone knows how much they are paid for such endorsements? Should be in double digit crores right?" a user said. "Hrithik has such a suave image and he ruins it in my eyes by doing this ad," said another one. "He only promotes betting and pan masala ads... Such a gorgeous face but no good reputed brands hire him," said another one. "Hrithik can't be this hard up in life to start promoting this crap product!?Shame on these rich guys getting richer," another user pointed out.?
byu/Glad-Ad5911 from discussion
Recently, in an interview with Ranveer Allahbadia, John Abraham slammed his contemporaries for promoting such brands. He said he will never do it no matter how much money he is offered. "I will not sell death, because it's a matter of principle," he said and added, "You¡¯re selling death. How can you live with it?"
What are your thoughts on Hrithik Roshan's advertisement? Let us know in the comments section below.?
Also Read:?People Troll Mahesh Babu For Endorsing Pan Masala After Saying 'Bollywood Can't Afford Me'
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