Khushi Kapoor has been making headlines, albeit not all positive, ever since her song "Loveyapa Ho Gaya" from the upcoming film Loveyapa dropped. Adding fuel to the chatter, the internet is now dubbing her the "next Kartik Aaryan." However, this comparison isn't about predicting her stardom but stems from reports of an alleged 8-minute-long monologue she delivers in the movie.
According to The Print, Khushi Kapoor delivers an eight-minute monologue in her upcoming film Loveyapa.?
This intense scene is said to delve into themes of love, heartbreak, and personal growth.
Loveyapa, which stars Junaid Khan alongside Khushi, is a Hindi remake of the popular Tamil film Love Today.?
The original, released in 2022, featured Pradeep Ranganathan and Ivana in the lead roles and was directed by Pradeep Ranganathan himself.
Kapoor's Loveyapa is all set to release on 7th February during Valentines Day 2025 week.
A Reddit post has drawn comparisons between Khushi Kapoor's upcoming Loveyapa monologue and Kartik Aaryan's iconic speech in?in his debut movie,?Pyaar Ka Punchnama?(2011).?
Welcome female Karthik Aryan guys
byu/saiki-runnnn inBollyBlindsNGossip
The dialogue was a humorous and exaggerated rant about the frustrations men face in relationships.?
The nearly 6-minute dialogue highlighted the perceived unreasonable expectations, demands, and contradictions in his relationship with his girlfriend. The monologue became a cultural phenomenon and was celebrated for its relatability and Kartik's effortless delivery.?
Meanwhile, Khushi's 8-minute-long monologue has already sparked some reactions.?
Reddit users wondered if Khushi could pull off such a feat, with one commenting, "Wo bol paegi kya 8 mins tak with expressions?" (Can she really talk for 8 minutes with the right expressions)??
Another user was skeptical: "Kartik aaryan was actually good in his every monologue and i don't think khushi can even come close, no where she is female kartik aaryan."
Some even went as far as saying, "They're clearly copying Kartik's signature monologue act," while one simply said, "At this rate, the 'nepo kids' might make Kartik Aaryan seem like a talented actor for future generations."
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