Kangana Ranaut, who had earlier said that #MeToo movement in India was a failure, has now said on her show Lock Upp that she was banned by the film industry after she supported women who shared their sexual assault stories. The Bollywood actress furthermore said that the women she supported have vanished now.
Kangana Ranaut said so after Saisha Shinde, a prominent fashion designer and a contestant on the show, revealed she was once invited to a leading designer's room.?
Shinde said that the designer told her he was living out of a suitcase. "Later I found out from my friends that they also were told the same story about the suitcase. At least 7 ya 8 ladko ke saath unhone waisa kiya tha (He had done the same with at least 7 or 8 boys)."
Earlier, the Dhaakad actress had called #MeToo movement a failure in Bollywood. "#MeToo has been a big failure in Bullywood, because most rapists and harassers were liberals only so they killed the movement, for sure #PayalGhosh will be humiliated and silenced like all other victims but my heart goes out to her. We deserve a better society #AnuragKashyap", she had tweeted.?
Also Read:?Kangana Ranaut Has Rejected Khan & Kumar-Led Films, Now She Can Happily Say She Isn't Underpaid
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