South Indian superstar Keerthy Suresh recently took to social media and confirmed her relationship with her long-time partner, entrepreneur Antony Thattil. As per reports, the wedding of the couple is also on the cards, that too as soon as in December. But what fans are finding interesting is the venue of the star wedding. Here¡¯s everything you should know about the wedding schedule for December:
Keerthy is all set to get married before her Hindi debut with the Bollywood film Baby John. The moment the actress introduced her partner, Antony Thattil, on social media made fans curious about the upcoming wedding recently. The couple has been together for a decade.
While addressing the media about her personal and professional developments in December, Keerthy revealed the release of Baby John and her wedding. She said the ceremony will be a destination wedding in Goa. No further details were provided to her about the venue.?
Keerthy is marrying her long-term partner, Antony Thattil. He is a Dubai-based businessman who owns a chain of resorts in Kochi as well.?
Keerthy is getting married in December, and it's also the month when she will make her Hindi debut via Baby John.
The film by Atlee is an adaptation of the Tamil blockbuster Theri, and other than Keerthy, it also has Varun Dhawan in a crucial role.?
Keerthy Suresh will also be seen in two other Tamil films titled Revolver Rita and Kannivedi in the coming time.
Stay tuned for more updates on Keerthy;s personal and professional life.