After Aryan Khan's bail was rejected by a special court in the Mumbai Drugs bust, Chunkey Panday's daughter and actor Ananya Panday's name came to the spotlight. An anti-drugs agency called the actress for the second round of questioning.?
According to news agency ANI, Ananya was grilled over some ¡®suspicious financial transactions'?in connection with WhatsApp chats exchanged with Aryan Khan as per reports.
¡°Questioning of actor Ananya Panday being done over some suspicious financial transactions and also in connection with WhatsApp chats with Aryan Khan. The actor was questioned regarding this yesterday: Narcotics Control Bureau, Mumbai.¡±
Aryan Khan, in his plea to the Bombay High Court, has stated the NCB was "misinterpreting" his WhatsApp chats to implicate him in the case of seizure of banned drugs aboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast earlier this month.?
On October 3, Aryan Khan was arrested by the NCB and other accused, including Arbaaz Merchant (26) and model Munmun Dhamecha (28). The arrested, including Aryan, are currently in judicial custody.