Actor Ranbir Kapoor was spotted holding a drink at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding celebration, contradicting earlier reports that he had quit drinking for his role in the upcoming film "Ramayan." Ranbir is currently working on Nitesh Tiwari's highly anticipated movie "Ramayan," where he plays Lord Rama alongside Sai Pallavi as Mata Sita. Fans have been eager for updates, especially after photos of the actors surfaced on social media. Reports had suggested that Ranbir stopped drinking and eating meat to embody the purity of Lord Rama.
However, a recent photo from the Ambani event shows Ranbir with a drink in hand, raising questions about the earlier claims. Dressed in an off-white outfit, he was seen talking to a guest while standing next to Shanaya Kapoor. The context of him holding the drink is unclear, but the image has led many to speculate whether the reports were merely a publicity stunt.
In addition to the controversy about drinking, Ranbir was also criticised in the past for allegedly eating beef. This criticism resurfaced alongside the current debate about his lifestyle choices for the role of Lord Rama.
Previously, sources claimed that the 41-year-old actor had quit smoking and drinking to stay true to his role. They described how the cast was being encouraged to lead a "self-restrained lifestyle." Despite these claims, the latest photo suggests otherwise.
In "Ramayan," Yash is expected to play Ravana, Naveen Polishetty as Lakshman, and Sunny Deol as Lord Hanuman. The film also features actors like Arun Govil, Lara Dutta, and Sakshi Tanwar. The first part of the film is scheduled for release in 2025.
Besides "Ramayan," Ranbir Kapoor is also working on several other projects, including "Animal Park," "Love & War" with Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, and the "Brahmastra" franchise.
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