Akshay Kumar has landed himself in trouble again. While his movie Good Newwz is roaring at the box office, he is also getting trolled for not taking a strong stand on the current protests against the violence at JNU. What's more? Now a police complaint has been filed against him for defaming Chhatrapati Shivaji in a television advertisement.
For the unversed, it's in the wake of the washing powder advertisement that features Akshay Kumar in the role of a king.?
In the advertisement, Akshay Kumar arrives with his army into a palace and says, "Maharaj aur uski sena dushman ko dhona jaanti hai, aur apne kapde bhi. (The king knew to beat up the enemies and also wash their clothes)". As the woman (his on-screen wife), points out towards the dirty clothes, Akshay and his army starts dancing in comical manner and wash clothes,
The complainant says Akshay Kumar has defamed the Maratha king by washing clothes.??The complaint has been filed by Suryakant Jaggannath Jadhav at the Worli police station. In the complaint, he has mentioned that the people of Maharashtra are deeply hurt by this advertisement.
Akshay Kumar hasn't responded to this as of yet.?