In a significant move ahead of the celebrations for the late Raj Kapoor's 100th birthday, the Kapoor family¡ªwhich includes Bollywood's most notable stars Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, and Kareena Kapoor¡ªtravelled to New Delhi yesterday for a special meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Notably, RK Films has partnered with the Film Heritage Foundation and the National Film Archive of India (NFDC) to present exclusive screenings of Raj Kapoor's classic films. Want to know more about the celebration that is making waves on the internet? Here is everything you need to know about the film festival honoring India's Greatest Showman's legacy.?
Kareena Kapoor Khan shared information about the spectacular festivities on social media on December 4. From December 13 to 15, 2024, a special screening of Raj Kapoor's most famous films would be held in 40 cities and 135 theaters around the country.
?"His legacy lives on. We are so proud to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of my grandfather, India's Greatest Showman, Raj Kapoor. Join us from Dec 13-15, 2024, on a nostalgic journey through his most iconic films, screening in 40 cities and 135 cinemas," Kareena wrote on Instagram.?
Ticket prices are set at a symbolic Rs 100. The screenings will take place at the PVR-Inox and Cinepolis theaters. Ten films featuring Raj Kapoor will be shown at this special film festival, including timeless masterpieces like Aag, Barsaat, Awaara, Shree 420, and Mera Naam Joker.
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