For years, Rakhi Sawant kept her fans in suspense about her husband. While she declared that she has married, there were no photos, not even one, that she shared with her fans to prove that she is indeed a married woman now. Her husband had a name but no face until a week ago when she appeared in Bigg Boss 15 house along with him.?
Initially, fans were puzzled to see Ritesh because all this while, they thought Rakhi being the drama queen that she is, is once again playing a prank. However, why would anyone pretend to be someone's husband on national television, we all thought.?
(Also Read:?From Working For Rs 50 To Making It Big In The Industry, Rakhi Sawant's Journey Has Not Been Easy)
Seeing their camaraderie on the show later, once again fans begin to doubt if he was really her husband. She calls him Papa after all, and their chemistry is the dullest anyone has ever seen between a couple. Even Salman Khan once joked if Rakhi has hired him as a husband.?
(Also Read: Rakhi Sawant Claims She Lives In Luxurious Home In The UK, Fans Say 'Didi Aap Kitni Jhoothi Ho')
Just when fans were beginning to question the identity of the man who claims to be Rakhi Sawant's husband, rumour has it that Ritesh is actually a cameraman on Bigg Boss.?
What added fire to the prevalent rumours was a tweet from The Khabri, the handle which often shares legit information about Bigg Boss.?The tweet read, "Ab yeh afwaah kaun Phaila raha ki #RakhiSawant ka Pati #Ritesh actually #BiggBoss team ka cameraman hai."
So far, neither it is confirmed and nor it has been denied whether Ritesh is actually a camera person and not Rakhi Sawant's real husband. What is your take on this? Let us know in the comments section below.