Bollywood's King Khan SRK is not only known as the king of romance but also for his well timed wit and humour. The actor is paid a big price for hosting award shows and stage performances as he knows how to leave his audience in splits.
Infact, he has recently came on-board for TED Talks India and is bringing real life experiences on-screen. A well read speaker, the 51-year-old can be extremely funny even without a script. However, wifey Gauri thinks otherwise.
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"Well, I am a 50-year-old man and in last 25 years, nothing has changed. My fans love me immensely, their support and interest to watch me in films have never changed. I do not feel my age. Rather I want to keep entertaining people for the rest of my life," he added.
SRK attend Virushka's wedding and despite the advice couldn't control his wit with the newlyweds. Take a look.?