It was in 2019 that the Gujarat Police declared that the rape accused self-styled godman Swami Nithyananda had fled the country without holding a valid passport. It was then revealed that the leader accused of holding children captive in the ashram has bought an island near Ecuador and has set up his own Hindu nation called Kailaasa.
The self-styled Hindu Swami has not only broadcast a range of nonsensical, illogical and pseudoscientific claims in his spiritual discourse but he has also been accused of assault and child abuse.?Now a docuseries based on his life has been released on OTT.?
Titled?My Daughter Joined a Cult, the Vice docuseries is streaming on Discover Plus from June 2.?The series documents the claims made by ex-devotees of Nithyananda, who allegedly deceived his believers by luring them into joining his ashram and gurukul trust Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, and then later allegedly abused them.
With a range of testimonies from devotees, lawyers, journalists and activists, the docu-series presents a narrative on the highs and lows of Nithyananda¡¯s life in the pursuit of the reason behind his strong following despite being termed a fugitive by his ex-followers.?
Director of the docu-series on Swami Nithyananda, Naman Saraiya told IANS, "Such a comprehensive and complex investigation into Nithyananda and his religious movement would not have been possible without the trust and cooperation of each person we crossed paths with¡ be it former devotees, survivors, journalists, lawyers and police officers."
"I hope the series resonates with audiences around the world, and generates greater awareness of the events that led to his fall from grace and the indelible impact on those left in its wake. ¡®My Daughter Joined A Cult¡¯ has been one of the most challenging and rewarding projects of my career yet and I am incredibly proud of what the team and I have created with VICE Studios and Samira Kanwa".
Samira Kanwar, VP of Content, APAC, VICE Studios, shared, "My Daughter Joined A Cult is an uncompromising and unflinching docu-series about the internationally infamous figure of Swami Nithyananda. As is synonymous with VICE Studios, the series offers an authentic and compelling insight into a complex and controversial figure, using raw first-person testimonies and original production techniques. We are proud to be working with discovery+ to bring this series to a wide, global audience."
My Daughter Joined A Cult is streaming on Discovery+ India fin Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, English, Kannada, and Malayalam.
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