Varun Dhawan has long been criticised for his interactions with female co-stars, with incidents such as unexpectedly kissing Kiara Advani during a photoshoot, grabbing Alia Bhatt by the waist, and even lifting and kissing Gigi Hadid on stage. Now, the actor is once again under scrutiny, this time for continuing to kiss his co-star Nargis Fakhri even after the director called "cut" in an old behind-the-scenes video that has recently resurfaced.
An old video from the 2014 film Main Tera Hero featuring Varun Dhawan and Nargis Fakhri has resurfaced online.
The clip, which shows a scene from the song "Galat Baat Hai," captures Varun climbing on top of Nargis and kissing her as part of the scene.
However, he is seen continuing the act even as the director repeatedly yells "Cut! Cut!"? before eventually laughing and stopping.
Varun didn't want to let her go even after the director said cut so many times
byu/Dazzling_Complex5897 inBollyBlindsNGossip
The caption to the Reddit post hints that Varun will likely address this incident in future interviews, recalling similar interview responses post criticism of his interactions with others like Alia Bhatt and Kiara Advani.?
The film Main Tera Hero was directed by Varun's father, David Dhawan.
In the comments, many people were quick to criticise Varun Dhawan, calling his actions inappropriate.
One user remarked, "No nice guy behaves like this, even if it's meant as a joke."?
Another comment highlighted the lack of boundaries, stating, "Being a professional actor should teach you to respect personal space. This guy is a repeat offender and seems to get away with it every time."
One comment also expressed discomfort, claiming that Dhawan doesn't seem to understand boundaries or consent: "This guy gives me the creeps. I saw an Insta video where he kissed Kiara, and she looked genuinely shocked. There have been awkward moments with Kriti, Alia, and Janhvi too, not to mention the stage incident with Gigi Hadid."
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