Actor Andrew Garfield, who plays Spider-Man, recently talked about his recent meeting with Bollywood star Shraddha Kapoor. In a recent interview, Andrew, who met Shraddha at the Red Sea Film Festival, said he admired her and her work. During the event, Andrew talked candidly about his encounter with Shraddha, stating, "We had a lovely, very brief meeting at the red carpet."
Speaking with Pinkvilla, he said, ¡°We had a lovely, very brief meeting at the red carpet.¡± He added, ¡°She seems very, very lovely and kind and gentle.¡±?
The Spider-Man actor said, "I was on the jury in Marrakech with Zoya Akhtar, who I really love. And I am very, very excited to watch her films. I haven¡¯t seen any of her films. We were talking about American cinema, British cinema, and Indian cinema, and we were bonding over our mutual love for RRR because that was a recent Indian film that¡¯s obviously kind of broken through to the West.¡±
There is something really thrilling and enlightening about being abruptly exposed to a completely new culture of filmmaking, he believes. It's like a tiger bursting through the movie screen or something.? "I'm really excited," he continued.?
For those who don¡¯t know, Andrew Garfield will next be seen in the movie We Live In Time that recently had its premiere internationally . Meanwhile, Shraddha Kapoor was last seen in Stree 2 that became a box office hit in no time.?
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