The fight between the two most popular comedians of the time, Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover, who when stood up?united achieved all the limelight they deserved but when fought, divided they fell and how!
Sunil is doing the live shows while Kapil Sharma is struggling with the TRPs of the show. His health is deteriorating, and he is also facing a tough time to get celebrities on board. About five times, the shooting of his show has been cancelled and even new character additions to the show haven¡¯t been able to lift up the falling popularity of the show.
Since a very long time, rumours mills have been churning out stories about the show going off-air, but the grapevine most often has turned out to be unsubstantial. Recently as well, rumour had it that the show will be replaced by The Drama Company, but this time this piece of news is indeed true.
What¡¯s more? Upasana Singh who plays the role of Bua on the show is also joining Krushna Abhishek¡¯s The Drama Company.
However, as soon as Kapil Sharma recovers, the channel is willing to give him back his 10 pm slot, it is said. Meanwhile, it has been reported that Sunil Grover is suffering from dengue. Hope both get back in health and together.