Bigg Boss 18 participant Kashish Kapoor has openly apologised to winner Karan Veer Mehra for her behaviour on the show. Kashish pondered on the grand finale in an emotional vlog posted to her YouTube account, sharing her thoughts on the shocking results."I was shocked to know that Rajat came third," she admitted, referring to the unexpected ranking of fellow contestant Rajat Dalal.?
She continued,"Karan has won the show, and we should respect that."Acknowledging her actions during the show, Kashish expressed regret for her past behavior towards Karan Veer Mehra. "I know maine show main bohot bakwas ki hai, main sharminda hoon. Bhul chuk maaf," she said, taking accountability for her actions and extending an olive branch to the?show's?winner.
Fans have responded positively to Kashish Kapoor's apologies, praising her humility and maturity in dealing with her behaviour towards Karan Veer Mehra. Many others praised her on social media for taking responsibility, saying things like, "It takes courage to admit mistakes," and "This shows her growth as a person." While some fans were surprised by her candour, others praised her act as a start towards healing and forgiveness following?Bigg?Boss?18.
Karan Veer Mehra won Bigg Boss 18, winning plaudits for his resilience and gameplay. Fans have praised Kashish's open admission of her shortcomings, viewing it as a mature gesture to rebuild bridges after the event.?
Kashish Kapoor, a rising star in reality television, was recently seen on Bigg Boss 18, where she captivated spectators with her daring personality and dramatic flair.?
Her appearance on the show helped her gain a lot of fame and shown her ability to handle difficult situations with elegance and tenacity. However, this was not her first foray into stardom; she had already made her mark on Splitsvilla X5, where she charmed fans with her charm, wit, and competitive?spirit.
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