Indian fans of anime will finally be able to witness the magic of Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama on the big screen as it's set to hit cinemas on January 24. Poised to be a treat for the eyes, this remastered version boasts stunning 4K visuals and enhanced audio that will transport you to the world of ancient India. The film will be available in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil dubs, in addition to the original English version, making it accessible to a wider audience. It was expected to hit theaters last year in October but was indefinitely postponed.
As the Japanese-Indian anime that enjoys a cult classic status finally gears up to hit Indian screens this Friday, here are five reasons why you should look forward to it.?
The anime style, which was a collaborative effort between Japanese and Indian artists, brings a fresh and exciting perspective to the classic tale of the Ramayana.?
The remastered version promises to be a true visual treat for fans. With its stunning new 4K visuals, the film's animation is better than ever before. Additionally, the vibrant colors, intricate details, and dynamic action sequences are all brought to life in a freshly exciting manner.?
The film is set to delight audiences with its multilingual release, as it will be made available with dubs in three prominent Indian languages¡ªHindi, Telugu, and Tamil¡ªin addition to the original English version. This means that viewers will have the flexibility to choose their preferred language, making the experience more enjoyable.?
The Hindi-dubbed version has received widespread acclaim for its exceptional voice casting. The film brings back Arun Govil as Lord Rama, while the legendary actor Amrish Puri has voiced the character of Ravana.?
For many Indians who grew up watching the film on Doordarshan, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama is more than just a movie¡ªit's a nostalgic trip down memory lane. What better reason to watch a masterpiece than nostalgia!?
Check out the trailer below:?
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