Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya tied the knot on December 4 and added a new dimension to their relationship. The wedding was a star-studded affair with several big names from the industry in attendance. Rana Daggubati was one of the big names who took part in the festivities. The NTR Kathanayakudu actor has now opened up about the experience.?
Rana Daggubati, producer Suresh Babu¡¯s son and an integral part of Telugu cinema, shares a strong rapport with his cousin Naga Chaitanya. The two are roughly the same age, which has further strengthened their bond. In a new interview with India Today, the Baahubali villain opened up about the wedding and said that the festivities were enjoyable but hectic. He said that everyone had a great time during the celebrations.?
¡°It¡¯s my cousin¡¯s wedding, so I¡¯ve got to be there. Yeah, it was fun. We had a great time; we had a blast. Celebrations are always fun. I wish the couple well. It has been two hectic days!" he was quoted as saying by India Today.?
In case you did not know, Naga Chaitanya and Rana are related through their parents. Suresh Babu is the brother of Lakshmi, Chay¡¯s mother and Nagarjuna¡¯s first wife. Venkatesh Daggubati is their uncle.?
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala exchanged wedding vows at the Annapurna Studios in Hyderabad. The iconic venue was founded by the legendary ANR, Chay's grandfather, in 1976. After the wedding Nagarjuna shared photos of the couple and wished them good luck for the future. The Criminal actor added he was happy about the fact that the wedding took place with ANR's blessings.?
On November 6, Chay and Sobhita made their first appearance as a couple when they? visited a temple. They were accompanied by Nagarjuna.
Coming back to Rana, he was last seen in Vettaiyan. The Rajinikanth-led film opened to a good response at the box office despite receiving mixed reviews.?
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