Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya tied the knot in Hyderabad on December 4 and added a new dimension to their relationship. The wedding was held at the Annapurna Studios and proved to be a star-studded event. Shortly after the wedding, the couple visited a temple to seek blessings for their new journey. This marked their first public appearance as a married couple. They were accompanied by Nagarjuna, Chay¡¯s father. Now, a video from this temple visit has become the talk of the talk for a sweet reason.?
Telugu star Nagarjuna accompanied Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala as they visited the Srisailam Temple, in Andhra Pradesh, on Friday (December 6). In a video, which has now gone viral on X (formerly known as Twitter),
??¡®King¡¯ is seen helping daughter-in-law manage her hair. Sobhita experienced some discomfort during a ceremony as her hair was untied. Nagarjuna noticed the same and brushed her hair behind. The Made in Heaven actress thanked him for his kind gesture.?
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya tied the knot on December 4 after dating for a while. The wedding was held at the Annapurna Studios, an iconic location that is synonymous with the Akkineni family. It was founded by the legendary Telugu actor ANR, Naga Chaitanya's grandfather.?
During the wedding, Sobhita looked stunning in a saree. Chay, on the other hand, opted for a smart ensemble that served as a homage to ANR. After the wedding, Nagarjuna blessed the couple and shared some photos from the big day on X.?
He added that he was happy about the fact that the function was held at the Annapurna Studios with his late father's blessings. Later Baahubali actor Rana Daggubati, who is Chay;s cousin, congratulated the couple and said that he enjoyed being part of the festivities. Moreover, Venkatesh--Naga Chaitanya's uncle-- shared photos from the wedding celebrations.
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