Infinix Smart 9 HD coming soon in India:?The Infinix Smart 9 HD is all set to make its mark in India, with its official launch date and details about its design and color options now revealed. This budget-friendly smartphone is designed to cater to users looking for style and performance at an affordable price. The Smart 9 HD flaunts a sleek and modern design, making it visually appealing and comfortable to hold. Infinix has also announced the vibrant color choices that add to its charm, ensuring there's something for everyone. With its upcoming launch, the Infinix Smart 9 HD promises to combine functionality with style, aiming to deliver a great user experience. Stay tuned to learn more about its features and availability!
According to sources, the Infinix Smart 9 HD will go on sale in India the following week, on January 17. In the next few days, the brand is likely to begin teasing the phone on social media.
The current price of the Infinix Smart 8 HD is Rs 6,699. Given the design enhancements, we anticipate the successor will cost around the same, if not somewhat more.
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