Lava ProWatch V1 with AMOLED display launched in India: Lava has launched its latest wristwatch, the Lava ProWatch V1, in India, which combines design and technological functions. This smartwatch's outstanding feature is its colorful AMOLED display, which provides clear images and an enhanced viewing experience. The ProWatch V1 is designed for fitness and convenience. It has a built-in GPS for accurate tracking and an IP68 classification that protects it from water and dust, making it ideal for everyday use and outdoor excursions. The watch has a variety of health-tracking features, smart notifications, and a stylish design that complements modern lives. With an affordable price, the Lava ProWatch V1 is expected to be an appealing alternative for tech-savvy individuals seeking affordability and functionality. Let's take a closer look at the price and essential features.
The Lava ProWatch V1 was unveiled in India on 10th January 2025.
The ProWatch V1 is available in four colors: Peachy Hikari, Black Nebula, Bluish Ronin, and Mint Shinobi. The starting price for the base model is ?2,399. The Peachy Hikari variant, with a silicone and rose gold metal strap, costs ?2,699. The Black Nebula variant, with a black metal strap, costs ?2,799. According to the brand, the rose gold and black metal models, which will include additional silicone straps in the box, were salt spray tested for 24 and 48 hours, respectively. All smartwatch models are currently available for purchase at physical retail stores around the country. The corporation hasn't confirmed its internet availability. The watch is believed to provide a two-year warranty.
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