Mehul Choksi, an accused in the Punjab National Bank scam, had his name removed from the Interpol database of Red Notices.?
The CBI has requested the Commission for Control of Interpol's Files (CCF) to reinstate the Red Notice against him.?
The removal of the Red Notice by Interpol means that Mehul Choksi is no longer wanted by the global police organization. This grants him the freedom to travel anywhere in the world, except for India. However, this removal does not affect the ongoing Punjab National Bank scam case, which is already at an advanced stage.
According to the Mint report, Mehul Choksi filed a petition in the Antigua high court claiming that the Indian government and two Indian agents had abducted him from Antigua and taken him to the Dominican Republic.?
Following this, Interpol removed the Red Notice against him, which strengthened Choksi's allegations. A spokesperson for Choksi stated that the preliminary ruling of the high court in Antigua demonstrates that there is a case to answer for a full investigation.?
Choksi has presented a compelling case that the Indian government is behind the orchestrated kidnap, torture, and attempt to render him to India.
Interpol is an international organization that consists of 195 member countries and helps police forces coordinate their actions. It facilitates data sharing on crimes and criminals and provides technical and operational support.?
The organization is led by a secretary general, with its headquarters in Lyon, France, and additional offices in Singapore and other regions. India became a member of Interpol in June 1956.
Interpol has National Central Bureaus (NCBs) in each member country, which act as a central point of contact for the organization and other NCBs.?
These bureaus are typically managed by police officials and are located in the government ministry responsible for policing (such as the MHA in India).?
Interpol manages 19 police databases that contain information on crimes and criminals, including names, fingerprints, and stolen passports, which can be accessed in real-time by member countries. The organization also provides investigative support such as forensics, analysis, and assistance in locating fugitives worldwide.
A Red Notice is a notification issued by Interpol at the request of a member country, which alerts law enforcement worldwide about fugitives who are wanted internationally.?
These notices are issued for individuals wanted either for prosecution or to serve a sentence, and they request that the person be located and provisionally arrested pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.
Indian fugitives Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi are among the most well-known individuals on the Red Notice list.
A Red Notice is an international wanted persons' notice and not an arrest warrant. Interpol cannot force any country to arrest someone on the Red Notice list, and it is up to individual member countries to decide the legal value of the notice and the authority of their law enforcement officers to make arrests.?
Interpol requires the Red Notice to comply with its constitution and rules.