Bollywood actor Bobby Deol, who made a powerful comeback with his film Animal, has been the talk of the town since. Despite no dialogues, Bobby Deol manage to woo the audience with his aura and on-screen presence.?He was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport wearing a sporty look. A laid back stylish yet cosy white hoodie shirt with grey pants is an ideal outfit for travel. The white hoodie wasn't just your regular casual thing.?
It was sheer, white and sleeveless which made Lord Bobby flex his muscles and look really good and hot. He paired up the entire look with a pair of white sneakers making him look young and vibrant.?
?Would you believe if we told you that Bobby Deol is actually 55-years-old! We're loving Bobby's both on-screen and off-screen look. Here he can be seen choosing easy neutral tones white white and grey, making it pleasant to the eyes.?An oversized lightweight hoodie vest definitely?comes under the category of athleisure, combining easy, breezy with style. Only Bobby Deol can make even causal outfits look fashionable.?
?He can be seen getting out of the car and walking straight to the departure gate of the airport. Like most celebrities, it is a possibility that Bobby Deol is flying to Abu Dhabi too for the IIFA awards ceremony 2024.?In the last two years, Bobby Deol has emerged not just as a talented actor but also as a style icon for many. We can't wait to see Bobby Deol's attire for the big event at the red carpet.?
Are you excited too? While, most of you might have fallen in love with Bobby Deol in Animal, but he was one of the few actors in Bollywood with the most?unconventional looks. Curly hair, broad body and dusky skin tone. Featuring in movies like Soldier, Gupt, Barsaat and Kareeb, Bobby Deol proved to be stylish on many levels back then too.?
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