TV actor Hina Khan recently revealed she has been diagnosed with breast cancer stage 3. Hina, who was known to be a toughie on Bigg Boss 11, shared the news with her fans about the big update. Despite the challenging times, Hina assured her fans that she is recovering and doing well.?
In her recent post on Instagram, Hina spoke about her hair. She told her followers she created a wig made from her own hair. Sharing the video of a cap with her hair, Hina wrote, "The moment I was diagnosed, I knew I¡¯d lose my hair, I chose to cut it off on my own terms while it was still healthy, long and vibrant. I decided to make a wig of my OWN hair that would bring me comfort during this challenging time. And I must say It was an empowering decision, and I¡¯m so proud of it."
Anyone who followed Hina's Bigg Boss 11 journey, knows how much she loves her hair and a task where her hair had to be cut was disapproved by the actress. Speaking about her wig, Hina further writes, "You know, It feels like somehow I am reunited with my lost hair when I wear it. It feels good, it feels cozy and it feels like home. It¡¯s just a phase, I knew I will have to go through and decided preemptively to Normalise it first for my self and now that I have been using it, I thought it will be a good story to share with all of you."
Motivating all the women, who are going through similar struggles, Hina wrote, "And I want to send out a special message to all my Women brave hearts out there who are going through similar struggles.. if you resonate with my decision and agree with it ..I suggest you too do the same .. it will make at least one thing much easier and you will feel better.. you will feel home."
Her co-star Shaheer Sheikh paid her a visit at the Kokilaben hospital. Calling Hina Khan inspiring and a BFF, Shaheer called her his most cherished friend.
?The two have featured in a couple of TV shows together. We wish super speedy recovery to Hina Khan.
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