Indian actor Samantha Prabhu who worked primarily in South movies rose to fame with Hindi show Family Man season 2. Samantha played the role of an antagonist and has only been getting popular in the entire country since then.
The actress has been signing up several big budget films. She was even seen on Koffee With Karan along with Akshay Kumar. With solid commercial success and great digital presence, Samantha has been gearing up for many movies.?
The actress recently shared a picture of herself getting a needle treatment for an injury. Take a look.
The area seems to be below her knee. Taking to her Instagram story, the actress wrote, ¡°Can I be an action star without the injuries, please (sic).¡± Needless to say, the Yasodha actress shared that she had injured herself while shooting for an action scene and elaborated on if one can even become a action star without the injuries.
This is not the first time, Samantha has shared a health update. Last year in an interview to Brut, Samantha spoke about battling with myositis. It is an auto-immune disease that attacks the muscles. She was called sympathy queen then and the actor later regretted going out in public and speaking about her struggle with the disease. However, her fan and followers who adore Samantha are shocked to see her sudden weight loss and are concerned about the actress.
Seeing her latest pictures with drastic weight loss, fans are praying for the actor's health.
?On the work front, Samantha will be seen in the Indian installment of Citadel along with Varun Dhawan.