Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar is on an experiment spree. Ever since she has lost all that weight from Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Bhumi enjoys wears dresses that accentual her figure and not just makes her look good but different.
At a recent award show held in Mumbai, Bhumi dressed up in a white outfit with naagincore aesthetics. She actually opted for an installation around her chest area along with metallic snakes coming out from both sides of her blouse making this look bold yet too much.?
Take a look at the fun outfit.
The white dress is actually a glass armour saree from fashion label Raw Mango. Fashion police on Instagram Diet Sabya who fondly calls her Bhumi Jenner as she's always trying to be a desi Kardashian was not feeling the outfit.?
?He wrote, "Bhumi Jenner's naagincore lewk blurs boundaries between high art and camp, leaving us questioning whether it's subversive masterpiece or an elaborate homage to Naagin legacy or just a bad costume? This audacious, over-the-top outfit can easily be described as a past performance art, part installation,? daringly walks the line between satire and excess. With its unaplologetic flair, Bhumi probes the fluidity of the culture and identity leaving us wondering - are we in for the joke or blissfully oblivious?
Fans are divided about her look too. While some called it a brazen outfit, some users wanted her stylist to be fired asap. Take a look at someone of the reactions.?
And the positive ones.
Bhumi's sister Samiksha Pednekar also attended the event and man, she truly justified her look.? She dazzled in front of elder sister giving the look of an art gallery owner. Posting a picture of the two, one tell who nailed the outfit.
On the work front, Bhumi will next be seen on The Royals on Netflix alongside Ishaan Khatter, Zeenat Aman, Norah Fatehi and Milind Soman
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