Filmmaker Karan Johar has made a name for himself for his quirky fashion sense. Whether it is his eggshell, Tiffany blue sherwani at the Ambani wedding festivities or it is the sequined suits he wears on his chat show Koffee With Karan, the Bollywood stalwart always amazes us with his unique sense of style. Last night, for a star-studded event at Mumbai's Jio World Plaza, Karan stepped out with his most fashionable look to date featuring a braided 'hair' tie and an evil eye brooch. Let's decode his dapper look.
Styled by his go-to fashion designer Eka Lakhani, Karan Johar looked every inch the stylish, ace producer he is! For the high-profile event, Karan went with a double-breasted?Crestelli suit which he paired with brown leather shoes. The golden-toned buttons on his beige suit contrasted sharply with his crisp white shirt and was an excellent choice. Posing for photos, the 52-year-old star was seen carrying his rare Hermes Birkin bag which is worth a whopping Rs 74 lakh.
Check out his full look here:
While Karan looked very handsome at the high-profile event, which was also attended by several other Bollywood A-listers, it was his cool accessories that tied the whole look together. Karan wore the iconic braided hair tie and a striking evil eye brooch from the luxury fashion label Schiaparelli. The hair tie was first showcased at?Daniel Roseberry's Fall/Winter 2024 show in Paris and has also been worn by Selma Blair in the past. You'll be shocked to know that the quirky accessory costs a whopping Rs 1.93 lakh.
As soon as Karan Johar's photos were shared by the anonymous fashion handle Diet Sabya on their Instagram, fans took to the comment section to poke fun at his whacky accessories. While many agreed that he looked as handsome as ever, and his recent appearance was a step up from his regular loud fashion choices, his brooch and hair tie stole all the attention, and was all they could talk about.
While one user commented, "He needs shampoo to wash his tie now", another wrote, "Elsa called¡ she wants her hair back!"
While some users commented on his accessories by drawing comparisons from pop culture like Stree and Bigg Boss, some pointed out the massive weight loss he has undergone and left a comment saying, "Ozempic is ozempic-ing"
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