I love my best friend.?And when you love someone, you need to also love their questionable choices.?But one thing I can't roll with is when my sister-from-another-mister starts dating a complete idiot.?
I mean how can she just bring a complete moron into both our lives??
My best friend is the smartest girl I know. She's sensitive, has her head on her shoulders and is?the kind of nice you can't take advantage of. But when it comes to the boys in her life, God help her.
And this isn't a unique situation to be in. Almost all of us have had to put up with people who don't deserve our best friends. Here, we discuss why best friends hate it when you date a loser.?
Not risking that.?
Like when she says she's fine, she really isn't. Or when she wants you to leave her alone, she doesn't mean that.?
Don't worry, the last idiot boy or girl also didn't last in your best friend's life.?
Fake it till you make it.?
The only time we wish our best friend would shut up.
We could say, "I told you so" but we are trying to be supportive when in reality WE TOLD YOU SO.?
Which now means your days are limited.
We won't fix anything. We want you gone.?
A promise they won't keep.?
GIF credit: Tenor.?