With December 2019, we*ve officially entered the last monthof this decade, and having tried my hand at &adulting* all year long, I havecome to a conclusion 每 we are doing little for our own happiness. Pleasingeveryone, meeting unearthly deadlines, forever putting that much-awaited vacay on hold, and fighting for toxic relationships has taken center-stage, taking a toll on what truly makes us happy.
But remember how things were when we were younger? Playfulkiddos with hearts of gold, we would be relentless in pursuit of what made ustruly happy. Be it a video game, a little more playtime, going for a sleepover,and what not! As kids, the drill was simple 每 if something made us happy, we*dset our heart and mind to it and get after it.
Here are 6 childhood memories that are inspiring the 'adult' in us to?be &ziddi* when it comes to happiness!
As a child, riding a bicycle without training wheels wasquite a feat. Flashback to when I was learning 每 there were bruised knees,numerous falls and lots of hot summer heat yet the persistent kid in me didn*tgive up. So what happened next? Well, the feeling of zooming through thestreets, without the training wheels with wind on my face and not a care in theworld made it all worth it.
Back in the day, getting your parents to say ※yes§ to asleepover was a big deal. We*d become prey to a host of questions ranging from※You kids play all day, what*s the need to play at night too§, ※take youryounger brother too§, ※kitne log honge§ ?to ※so will you all notsleep at all§. Phew!? But hey, did we give up? Of course not, the &ziddi*kid in us didn*t relent until our parents gave in.
Remember when all the cool kids in the group used to flaunttheir PSPs and X-Box game collections? The urge to join the talk and own thosegizmos is unparalleled! And yes, convincing our parents for those swankylooking video games was hands down the toughest thing we did as kids!
Recently, Britannia released an ad film that brings out thischildhood emotion perfectly. The heart-warming ad film featuring DeepikaPadukone says, ※khushiyon ki zidd karo§, and we couldn't agree more.Take a look!
Truly, happiness is everywhere, we just need to strive forit. Just persist a little and every day can become a good day!?
We*ve all had those days when the stipulated pocket moneyfailed to meet our needs 每 art supplies, gifts for bae, weekend outings, highschool dates, and the list is endless. Explaining to our parents where all thatmoney went used to be one mammoth task, and asking for more, even tougher! Butnow when I look back in time, those days make up for one of the cutestchildhood memories.
Among the biggest high school hassles, apart from&late-night texting* and &sleepovers*, used to be curfews. Remember those longpre-party rants, wherein we would do anything and everything to convince ourparents to extend our curfew, even if it were just by half an hour.
Between persistently nagging our parents for video games to being&ziddi* about treading a career path of our choice, we all grew up.Believe me, getting your parents to approve of you being a DJ, a reporter, or atattoo artist might not be a simple task, but is certainly worth it.
Taking cues from these childhood memories, let*s put ourhappiness first, and hustle towards it. Be it a long due vacay with bae, ormaking for a hobby, a shift in mindset is all it takes!