Former IAS Officer, Anil Baijal, on Saturday took over as new Lieutenant ?Governor of Delhi. Baijal has replaced Najeeb Jung who recently resigned from the post citing personal reasons. President Pranab Mukherjee had on December 28 accepted Najeeb Jung's resignation and approved Baijal's name as the next L-G of the National Capital Territory.
A 1969-batch IAS officer, Baijal is the 20th Lieutenant Governor of Delhi. He was appointed to the post by President Pranab Mukherjee last week. The former bureaucrat has also been the vice-chairman of the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and had headed key public sector companies like Prasar Bharti and Indian Airlines.?
70-year-old Baijal was removed as Union home secretary when the UPA government assumed power in May, 2004.