The city police on Sunday evening implemented section 144 of the CrPC in the city of Mumbai. This order prohibits the presence or movement of any person in public places and also any vehicle carrying such person.?
The order is not for essential services providers or in case of emergency.?
Later in the night the Mumbai city police publicize another order on the similar lines. The new order was to be imposed at 5 AM on March 23 to March 31.?
This order is signed by the DCP Pranay Ashok who is in charge of the operation unit, he said that the order is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus and to limit the outbreak of infection under the control of Mumbai Police.?
The order exempted some essential services which includes food, milk supplies, hospital, medicals, telephone and internet services, electricity, petroleum, oil, drinking water, warehouses and related.?
Trucks which are carrying goods should have a sticker that they are carrying only essential goods.?
In the second order (March 23 -March 31) issued on Sunday night, police have included some more categories in the list of establishments where the section 144 does not apply.??
?Some of them are banking, stock exchange, clearing stock depositors, clear corporations, depositories, stock brokers and SEBI registered participants operating through the institutions IT and IT enabled services.?
Date providing services, for the national and international infrastructure and need essential and emergency services, Media, Port service providing home delivery of food, groceries any other essential commodities and government official on duty.?